Reflection Award Ceremony for Responsible Journalism, Youth Office City of Belgrade
10 May 2019Jevremova – Street of Encounter, Jevremova Street, Belgrade
21 April 2019Poetic Airings, The National Theatre, Niš
21 March 2019IWC Charity Bazaar, Belgrade Fair
9 December 2018In The Rhythm Of Our Heritage, Primary School, 22.October, Belgrade
12 June 2018In The Rhythm Of Our Heritage, Secondary Vocational School, Belgrade
7 June 2018Festival PozitivNI, Park Čair, Niš
2 June 2018TV Performance, Quotodien, Paris,France
1 June 2018London College of Fashion and Pretty Loud
28 May 2018Premiere of the film, Move Freely
27 May 2018Baby Exit, 17 Festival of Optimism, Petrovaradin fortress, Novi Sad
26 May 2018Jevremova, Street of Encounter, Belgrade, Serbia
1 April 2018